Sunday 2 June 2013

Parian Spirit Brush Cleaner Wipes*

I normally use make-up remover and baby wipes to give my brushes a quick clean, something I do each time I have used them. But lately I just didn't feel like my brushes were properly clean, so I wanted to try something just as quick and easy but something that would disinfect my brushes. Parian Spirit decided to send me some of their Brush Cleaner Wipes for me to try out and I was really looking forward to receiving them, because I've heard so much positive feedback about them.

This convenient wipe is designed for quick cleaning. It is highly effective and individually packaged, for easy, mess free disinfecting and cleaning. Parian Spirit is environmentally safe and a versatile product that cleans, conditions, and disinfects. For professional make-up artists: Parian Spirit products are so powerful, they effectively clean oil based make-up, spirit gum, medical adhesives, waxes, clays, gums, dried acrylic and latex!

They took a while to arrive but they did travel all the way from the US. I started cleaning my brushes with the wipe and I my brush was clean in seconds. There was no fuss just straight forward quick cleaning. The scent of the wipe does stay on the brush, but it’s a nice scent. Once I cleaned my brushes I dried them off with a paper towel like it recommends, and left them to air dry overnight. By the next morning my brushes were clean, dry and ready to use!!

As much as I enjoyed using these wipes I won't buy them in the future, instead I will buy 16oz of the brush cleaner and the 2oz pump spray. I highly recommend  Parian Spirit if you want your brushes super clean!!

Have you used Parian Spirit before?
What do you use to clean your make-up brushes?


  1. Brush cleaner sounds very useful, I always just use soap and water and not sure it's very good for my brushes!!

    Just followed you on Twitter, Instagram and She Said Beauty honey, would love it you followed back!

    Lipsticked Louise

  2. Hello, I've always just used dish soap and olive oil to clean my brushes and it works very well. But I now like to use something that will disinfect as well as clean my brushes.

    Thanks for following me on my pages, of course I will follow you back! :)

  3. Nice post, I really love your blog! Would you like to follow each other with bloglovin'?
    X Anna

  4. Thank you! Yes of course, although I don't use that website very much. x


Thanks for you comment, I will get back to you shortly.
Paula x